Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Help Thou My Unbelief

well guess what! i'm staying in mainz for another 6 weeks. sister davis is too. i think this cycle will be long. but i'll get through. i found my new scripture. Alma 34: 41 "But that ye have patience, and bear with those afflictions, with a firm hope that ye shall one day rest from all your afflictions." i like to subsitute at the end "that ye shall one day be transferred from this area - or - that ye shall one day have new investigators"...etc. haha

we're meeting with bruder M tonight and re-committing him to live the Word of Wisdom. if he says no... then we're saying goodbye (or tschüß in german). he's had all the lessons and there isnt really anything more we can do for him. he'll still come to church and everything i'm sure. i'm convinced that he doesn't get baptized that he'll still come to church for the rest of his life anyway. haha coming to church is not one of his struggles.

other then that there's not much that's going on. we went to the temple last saturday. i did the whole session in german and made it through the veil auf deutsch too.

so i was again thinking of what we should pray for this cycle. 2 baptisms came to me. i was thinking... you gotta be kidding me. He told me last cycle to prayer and work towards one baptism and we didn't get one. now we're suppose to be praying and working for 2 baptisms! well, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. so we're working for 2 baptisms with the hope and faith that it'll happen and that Heavenly Father will help us.

i love the part in the movie The Testaments when they are doing a flash to where Jesus is and this man comes to him with his son. the man asks Jesus to heal his son. Jesus asks him, believest thou that i can do this? and the man says Lord I believe! and Jesus looks at him... and the man says, help thou my unbelief. i've been feeling like that a lot lately - not understanding why Heavenly Father wants me to be here or why He asks me to do things like pray for 2 baptisms. i think i just have a lack of faith. maybe i should pray that Heavenly Father helps my unbelief.

sorry this email is really short. i don't really know what else to say, other than i miss the family a lot. and my friends. and normal life. so let's just say i'm a little trunky today. and i want to go dancing and wear highheels.

* Rachel could probably use some friendly e-mails *

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