Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Blunt and Honest

thanks to Nancy Jenkins and Grandma Doty for emails! - and Meg too ;)

well today i have been on my mission for 8 months! can you believe it? it's gone by really fast. and on thursday i'll have been in germany for 6 months. this time next month i'll be half way done with my mission. i still feel like i just started

we have an investigator with a baptismal date for october 12th. i don't think she's going to do it (sad huh...but i'm being honest!) at least not on that day. we'll see what happens.

the 12 (now 13) year old girl in the american ward that we've been teaching is almost done with the lessons. her bishop suggested that she get baptized soon so she can go do temple baptisms on the 18th of october. she really wants to do temple baptisms, that's why she started taking the lessons in the first place. so she's praying this week about it and on saturday we'll find out what she says. hopefully she'll say yes and she'll be baptized in like 2 weeks!

my companion and i were talking about how we feel we've changed since we've been on our missions and stuff. and i was thinking...how have i changed? well since coming on my mission... i'm more impatient, i'm more stubburn, and blunt, i'm more grumpy and people just drive me nuts. i have less compassion and i'm kind of snotty - ok a lot snotty. but that's really how i feel! if anything i've developed more bad characteristics than good and the even sadder part is...i don't have the patience or desire to fix them! i'm trying to be upbeat and positive. but sometimes i just want to be mad for a while.

Ok friends and family... Rachel could use more e-mails.
I think she probably also needs a really long nap.

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