Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Golden Investigator

Well things are going good. Transfer calls were this weekend. We got called late Sunday night... like after it was time to be asleep! But anyway we`re both staying.

The weather is getting really nice I love it! Friday was BEAUTIFUL and its our planning day… so we planned outside on our deck thing. And I got TAN. It was amazing!

We have an investigator! Her name is Yvonne. She's so golden! we`ve met with her twice already and we`re meeting with her again tomorrow. she's made some mistakes in her life and is really being humbled by them. She's SO close to the spirit. We had given her Alma 32 to read and when I asked her if she had read it she was like: yes I did and let me tell you I know what it's talking about. And she told us that faith is like a seed and when you plant things in your heart and if it's good it`ll grow, etc. and then she said it's like that story in the bible about when Jesus tells about a man who plants seeds on rocks and on good soil and told us the parable of the sower and related the two. Cool huh! And when we were talking with her she said that what we were saying sounded familiar to her – like she's heard it all before. In PMG is says that to some who are ready the gospel will be like an echo, something very familiar to them. Because they have heard it all before. We`re just reminding their spirit of what they already know! Anyway we`re REALLY excited about her. I think she really might get baptized! So pray for her! We are for sure!

Anyway I hope the weather gets nicer for you. I`m very grateful that it's getting warmer here. Today we are going to a castle in krefeld! Way excited. Will definitely take pictures!

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