oh yeah - my hairstraightener just stopped working. and i can't find one here to save my life. i found one that was like 50 euro... yeah right! i got my old one at target for like $15. they don't have anything like target here. so i have no idea where to get a new one. i might have the elders go on base and try and find one there for me. until then i've been putting mousse in my hair and letting it go curly. which worked for a few days but now its not working out so well. i feel like i look like a boy because i have to pull my hair back and i don't have bangs anymore.
oh please tell marci singleton thanks for the mentos she sent. it was really sweet and made me happy.
i'm excited because tomorrow is zone conference and we get to meet president and sister ninow! i''ve heard nothing but good things about them so i can't wait! plus we get to do a streetpreach and see tons of missionaries!
oh yeah for the 4th of july we had a BBQ with the elders and passed a football around. it was for like an hour (for our dinner break) but it was really fun! i took my shoes off and ran around in the grass. it was nice.
i tried my first brotwurst last night. i don't like sausage. it was alright but if i can avoid eating one again i wouldn't mind. but i'm in germany so i don't think i'll be able to avoid them.
here's a quote from an elder in my last district... i think it's really funny... he said ´´I prayed for long suffering, and now I'm just suffering.´´ haha i feel like that too sometimes.
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