i have just one new companion. sister olson. i love her to death! we get along SO well! and we're having tons of success. 3 new investigators already!
schwester terhaag is getting baptized on sunday after church! and her husband is baptizing her! he got the priesthood on sunday. it was so awesome! she bore her testimony in sacrament meeting... and she was like glowing when she was done with her interview. that's right! the church is awesome!
we haven't been able to meet with the nigerian family. no update
but we have appointments with those 3 new investigators for this week. they are all pretty sweet and seem sincere. so we'll see what happens with that.
so last week was LONG. wednesday i spent the day on the train going to frankfurt...and then coming back up here. and then on friday... we did it all over again. but that was cooler because i got to meet Elder Dallin H. Oaks!!!!!!! and guess what... the AP (assistant to the president) called the day before and asked if sister olson and i would put together a musical number for the conference. so we put a group of missionaries together and practiced when we got to the church before the conference. yeah so i sang for an APOSTLE! and i had a solo!!!! we did so good it was awesome! the train rides were fun though. and really beautiful. we rode along the rhein river and there were a ton of castles along the way that i took pictures of!
i think that we're going to have a lot of success this transfer. i'm really excited and looking forward to what happens!
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