Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Quiet Week

so sister rice has been sick for almost a week and so we haven't done much of anything. i'm getting bored. but although we haven't done much lots of things have happened!

sunday the married couple had their baptismal interview. she decided after her interview that she wasn't quite ready to get baptized just yet. she wants a little more time to develop her testimony of the Book of Mormon. but he is determined to be baptized on saturday and so he is! it's all planned out and he's SO excited about it!! he really wants to be able to baptize his wife and they both want to get sealed in the temple next year. they are so awesome! we're going to set a new baptismal date with her when we meet with them again. i feel bad because we have been treating them as like a whole... and not so much as individuals, so i kind of blame us for her not being as ready. but she'll get baptized there's no doubt about it! his parents are coming to the baptism and he's already given his mother a copy of the Book of Mormon and she's reading it already! she lives in krefeld though so we're going to have the krefeld elders come to that so they can meet her and hopefully start teaching her. i'm singing a solo as sister moser plays the piano and Bruder Luchs will play his flute. i think i'm crazy. i don't know how i get myself into things like this.

i'm bummed because karnival starts on thursday and ends next tuesday so we're not going to be able to go out much this weekend. it's not safe for us. karnival is like mardi gras but more intense because its over a weekend and all everyone does is get drunk. we haven't gotten any specific instructions yet but we'll have to stay inside for sure at some point because a karnival parade is going to go right by our apartment. too bad our windows don't face the street. it would be fun to take pictures of! people dress up like at halloween and are apparently just crazy. i'm kind of excited. our lives have been kind of boring the past week.

Marci: thanks for the Valentine's package! i got it this morning as we were walking out the door to come do emails so i haven't had a chance to look at everything yet but it was really sweet of you to put it all together! you're awesome!

Jameson: you've said like nothing about your dating life since you've been home! i'd love to hear about what's going on!! my companion heard about a RM here in frankfurt who used PMG to get married. just used the same things she learned on a mission and instead of getting someone baptized she found a husband. i think that's so funny!! good luck with tests and everything!!

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