Tuesday, October 7, 2008


The beautiful church building behind Rachel is called "The Church of Christ"
and is located in Mainz ,
the city where Rachel is currently serving.

Not long after Rachel got to Germany,
she asked if for an early birthday present
(VERY early... this was in April and her birthday isn't until November...)
she could buy a new camera.

We told her yes, but only if she would send us lots of pictures
of her experiences in Germany.

1 comment:

Peter Priesthood said...

Hallo Sister Doty, or Rachel? was für ein schöner Name.
Es war echt toll, dich kennen gelernt zu haben, danke für die schöne Zeit. Ich werde Mainz und Wiesbaden als coole Städte in Erinnerung behalten. Schöner blog!
Hier ist meine E-mail:

Lg, Pierre